Tracking App challenge. Time to make everything possible!

Two weeks for researching and designing my own App? ✌🏻

Martina Dalla Valle
5 min readSep 21, 2020


In the last two weeks we have been working on our most important project before the final project with Ironhack.
It was extraordinary to be able to develop our own app from research to Ui.


To build a native mobile application using the Design Thinking Methodology. The only requirement is that it tracks something, and allows you to view the data in the best possible way.

The Choice

Given the freedom to choose the topic to be monitored I decided to devote the research to my great passion: yoga and meditation.

2nd Challenge

Working on something I am passionate about without ending up identifying myself with my user. That’s why I’ve had to work so hard on research without being influenced by my assumptions.

What to monitor

Stress levels in relation to the meditation and yoga exercises provided by the app.

Before we start, I would like to say that there are currently several apps for Android and iOS that allow you to measure your stress level simply by placing your finger on the camera light. I leave a link here.

What is stress?

Stress is the response that our body has in the moment of a change, this creates tension. It is natural that our body gets stressed, in fact we are constantly subjected to changes and tension. The important thing to make sure that stress does not become harmful, is to learn to release tension and find relaxation.

It is already known by many that yoga, meditation and some breathing techniques can release stress and restore balance with ourselves. By relaxing our body we can find a great quality in our life.


After carrying out the first survey and interviews I was able to gather important information about the age range of my potential users, the quantity and timing of use of the various yoga and meditation applications.

The majority of people interviewed are millennials between 25 and 35 years old. All of them have used or constantly use apps to do yoga or follow meditations. It can also be said that after COVID-19 this trend has become even stronger.
Some have used apps to monitor sleep, or the hours they spend on their devices.
No one has ever measured the level of stress, or knew that this was possible via their smartphone. The majority would be interested to see their improvement if this was possible.

I identified my User Personas, Julia, a working girl who loves to travel. She has discovered the benefits of yoga through a friend who told her about it. She has attended many yoga classes, but she is not always able to practice in the studio. She feels high tension when she is not practicing. For this reason she uses online apps when she cannot physically go to yoga studio or when she is traveling.

Problem Statement

How might we?

When I created and set up my problem I was able to come up with a potential solution in a very natural way, which I then tested through interviews.

As far as interaction architecture is concerned, I designed a user flow that would allow the user to subscribe and customize his program according to his preferences and experience with practice. After a first lap in the app the user will be warned by a pop-up to have the possibility to program the practices during the week.

Information Architecture.

Moodboard and Style tile

From a stylistic point of view I found it appropriate to take inspiration from the colours of the elements, air, water, earth. To bring calm and tranquillity to a sensorial and perceptive level as well. After testing my moodboard I came to define the app with the following words: peace, serenity, meditation. The fonts chosen are Pier Sans and Archia. The icons symbolically refer to the elements.


In the tracking part, the various practices carried out during the week are marked, with graphs indicating the daily average of the individual practices and the total number of hours carried out.
At the bottom of the page we find a graph of the practices of the month, divided by weeks. The graph is contrasted with the level of stress that will be measured each week.

At the end of the page you are invited to check your stress level, and this is what happens.

Find here the full video of how the app works.
For any further information do not hesitate to comment or contact me.

thank you!



Martina Dalla Valle

A User Experience Designer with people at heart and businnes in mind. Yoga Teacher, forever student.